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Change of Password

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  1. Go to the URL of Cittaerp.
  2. Login screen will appear
  3. Click on forgot password
  4. A Lost Password Form screen will appear, as shown below
  1. Enter your staff ID
  2. Enter your Date of birth as registered in the system
  3. Click on mail password
  4. Login Screen Appears as below
Login Screen
  1. Insert your Staff ID
  2. Leave password space blank
  3. Click on proceed button
  4. The Change of Password Form Screen will Pop-up as shown below
  1. Leave the current password blank
  2. Insert your new password
  3. Confirm password,
  4. Click on change password
  5. Login Screen will appear
  1. Insert your staff ID
  2. Insert your new password
  3. Click proceed

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