Workflow and Approval

Cittaerp has flexible user-defined document workflow and approval route management functionalities that gives users the ability to create workflows and approval processes. This can be implemented  in line with the  business processes, authority limits and policies of your organizations. The key benefits to your organizations are as summarized below:

Paperless Environment

  • Cittaerp enables the company to implement an effective and comprehensive document management workflow system based on your  business processes. This functionality allows the company the flexibility to achieve a desired level of paperless environment suitable for their specific requirements . This is relevant which changes with the prevailing business and environmental dynamics of the organization.

Enforces Compliance

  • The Cittaerp document workflow system enforces compliance with company business processes and procedures while process waivers can be accommodated in the workflows as deemed fit by the Management or Board of Directors

Eliminates Error and Leakages

  • In general, errors and leakages are eliminated because the business functions and processes of the whole enterprise are driven by the document workflow and approval route management system.

Authority Limits Management

  • Every organization will have its authority limits for all internal and external transactions for business functions of the enterprise which are usually delegated by the Board of Directors to the Management and other employees. The workflow approval management system enforces the authority limits as approved while waivers can be implemented as needed for the business.

Approval Process

  • Approval processes are seamless, faster and less cumbersome
  • The approving officer has the capacity and flexibility to review on online/real-time basis the documentary evidence, reports and statements . The officer may be required to validate the transaction under approval consideration and can decide to approve or reject or return or suspend . The system  ensures that the approving officer add relevant comments justifying the the decisions.

Notifications and Alerts

  • For documents and transactions awaiting approval/attention, notifications and alerts by email are sent to relevant officer. The approving officer does not need to login into Cittaerp to attend to the transaction and can reject or approve quickly and easily by clicking on a link in an email which automatically updates in Cittaerp.
  • The workflow sends reminder emails if the approving officer missed the email.
  • Once document transaction is approved or rejected , automatic notifications are are sent to relevant officers.


  • The approving officer can delegate to other officer if they are on leave or vacation.


  • The document workflow escalates to another officer after a specific period if the transaction document request is not treated in time.

Transaction Request Status

  • It also allows the initiator of the transaction or any authorized staff to check the status of the item that is awaiting approval.


  • Cittaerp supports a large number of approval processes  for your business and it is very flexible and audit-able.
  • Workflow administrators can view all current and historical workflows and take action to cancel, redirect or resume as necessary.